Mental Health Services

The need for mental health support services continues to grow as multiple stressors are at play for many low-income families.

RCHS children benefit from the strong relationship with our affiliated agency, Rutland Mental Health Services. RMHS provides Case Management and Clinical Services to children and families enrolled in our program. Case Managers work with children and families who are experiencing difficulties such as:

  • Divorce
  • Substance Abuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • Mental Health Issues

Case Management Services at Home and in the Classroom 

Case Management services are provided both in the home and in the classroom. RMHS Clinicians also offer individual therapy when needed for children and families receiving Case Management services.

Therapeutic Support Specialists

Additionally, RMHS Therapeutic Support Specialists work on a daily basis in Meadow Street classrooms with children who have significant behavioral difficulties. RMHS consultants educate, train and coach the early childhood staff to help them gain the skills they must have to effectively concentrate on children's social and emotional needs.